Top 10 Ways You Can Incorporate THIS Miracle Oil Into Daily Life

Top 10 Ways You Can Incorporate THIS Miracle Oil Into Daily Life

The uses of essential oils and benefits to our lives and our bodies have a storied history and continue to be an important aspect in a natural lifestyle. But there is one miracle oil that is proving to be more versatile and powerful than most other essential oils -- mānuka oil. 
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The uses of essential oils and benefits to our lives and our bodies have a storied history and continue to be an important aspect in a natural lifestyle. But there is one miracle oil that is proving to be more versatile and powerful than most other essential oils -- mānuka oil. 

Top 10 Ways You Can Incorporate THIS Miracle Oil Into Daily Life image of ManukaRx Manuka Essential Oil for skin with phenomenal antibacterial benefits.

Mānuka oil has only been distilled for the past few decades, but in that short period of time studies have proven it to be one of the most antibacterial-rich oils found in nature due to the high beta-triketone content, especially East Cape Mānuka Oil, and the exciting possibilities and applications continue to be discovered. 

We’ve put together our favourite ways you can use mānuka oil in your life and how it can change your daily life for the better.

Please Note: When using powerful essential oils like mānuka oil, it is recommended to dilute or use a carrier oil, and to patch test it prior to applying to sensitive areas like your face.

Top 10 Ways You Can Use Mānuka Oil Daily:

1. For Acne

Acne, whether you're a teenager or adult, has many different causes. And severe acne can lead to painful outbreaks and scarring. Figuring out how to treat it naturally can also be confusing -- enter mānuka oil.

The potent antibacterial properties help prevent and assist in healing. Use a cotton bud and apply directly to acne spots morning and night.

2. For Bathing

Mānuka oil is great for moisturising and uses as an aromatic. Add about 10 drops to your bath and combine with Epsom salts for relaxation, soothing sore joints and muscle, and for added detoxifying benefits for the skin.

3. For Tired Muscles

Got sore or tender muscles and tendons after a hike or long day at work? Mix mānuka oil with a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil and rub into the aching muscle area. Or skip the fuss and check out our East Cape Mānuka Oil with Sweet Almond to keep at the ready for those tough days.

4. For Congestion Relief

Feeling a bit blocked up? Mānuka was used by the Māori in the past for helping with colds and congestion, and the oil is even better!

Add 3-5 drops to a steam diffuser or add 5 drops to a bowl of boiling water, cover your head, and inhale the vapours. This will open up your airways and lungs and promote healthy breathing, essential especially in the winter months!

5. For Dandruff Relief

Struggling with a frustratingly flaky scalp? We’ve got you covered. Mānuka oil is a superpowered moisturiser and assists in removing dry skin gently.

Just add 3 - 5 drops to your favourite shampoo or conditioner to help reduce dry skin, dandruff and irritation. And better yet, seek out some natural shampoos and conditioners to boost that plant powered punch. 

6. For Blemished Skin on the Face 

With the powerful antibacterial properties, mānuka oil makes for an effective ally in reducing blemishes and scars and promoting healthier skin.

Add 1-2 drops to your cleanser or toner to maintain the appearance of smoother, clear skin. For extra support, check out our amazing Blemish Gel to rejuvenate your skin. 

7. For Dry or Irritated Skin on the Face 

Struggling to find a gentle yet effective solution for dry and irritated skin? Mānuka oil is gentle and soothing with no known allergies, making it perfect for the task.

Add 3-5 drops to your moisturiser, aiding the relief of dry skin and helping to reduce the appearance of blemishes, naturally. With its anti-inflammatory properties from the vitamins A, E, and D -- a blend of jojoba with mānuka oil makes for an amazing soothing combination. 

8. For Relaxation 

Like rosemary oil which is known for its relaxing properties, East Cape Mānuka Skin Oil has active alpha-pinene makeup that helps ease the mind and help with relaxation.

Add 3-5 drops to a steam diffuser before bed or when in need of some clarity after a stressful day.

9. For Bug Bite Relief 

Biting sand flies and annoying mozzies can wreak havoc on our spring and summer fun, and our bodies. Mānuka oil can help prevent irritation and infection and help reduce swelling and inflammation. Use mānuka oil with a carrier oil and rub into bug bites for instant relief.

East Cape mānuka oil has scientifically proven antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties so can help to reduce swelling. Our Mānuka Skin Oil makes a great bite relief remedy. 

10. For Natural Home Cleaning Sprays

Now more than ever it is important that our homes are clean and sanitised, but also to make sure that the harsh cleaning chemicals aren’t doing more harm than good.

Mānuka oil has shown to be effective in killing the most extreme bacterias, even gram-positive bacteria, and it is safe to use around pets and children. Add 10 drops of the oil to a clean spray bottle with clean water and use around the house for disinfecting and cleaning. 

Check out our extensive line-up of East Cape Mānuka Oil products today to find a natural and effective solution to many of the problems listed above!

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