How to Treat and Prevent Pimples Naturally

How to Treat and Prevent Pimples Naturally

Why are pimples and acne so persistent? Don't they know you don't want them around? For many people, conventional acne treatments don't work. In fact, they can damage your delicate skin. That's why you need natural acne treatments. Here's how to heal pimples and acne better, naturally.

Getting rid of pimples isn't easy. So what is the slution? Don't lose faith, read on and find out how to prevent pimples naturally.

No matter how much you wash, tone, and moisturise, nothing seems to work.

Acne isn't your fault and we all want beautiful skin.

You've probably heard "just wash your face with x" dozens of times but you know it's not that simple. That's why you're here, understand getting rid of pimples naturally can work for you.

Here's why traditional acne treatments often don't work and what you can try instead.

Understand What's Causing Your Acne at the Source

It's important to go through the full range of possibilities for this section. By thoroughly understanding the key causes of acne, you can identify what's going on with your own body and hit the reset button.By doing this chances are you'll heal the pimples and acne in the long term and prevent it from coming back

Family History

Pimples and acne are often genetic. You can't change your genes, but you can ask your folks how they set about getting rid of pimples. Chances are it will work for you, too.

Allergies or Wrong Diet (But Not What You Think)

If you have a subtle intolerance towards certain foods, the only symptom could very well be pimples. Common foods that may trigger acne include eggs, soy, nuts, nightshade plants like tomatoes, refined sugars, high-sodium foods, grains, caffeine, and beans.

Inevitable Bacteria

Your face is full of bacteria – all the time. These bacteria survive and thrive by consuming sebum (oil) on your skin's surface. If your skin is producing too much sebum and you aren't using antibacterial products, acne and pimples develop.

A Variety of Hormonal Problems

Your hormones need to remain in perfect balance. If they don't, things start to go haywire across your body. Although hormonal acne is very common in teenagers, it's not unusual for adults to go through the same problems.

If your estrogen, testosterone, and reproductive hormones aren't out of whack, check your thyroid. An overactive or under active thyroid could very well be the culprit.

Using the Wrong Products

This is a big one.

There's a reason why conventional acne treatments help in getting rid of pimples in the short term: They're filled with harsh chemicals.

These chemicals like salicylic acid strip the skin of vital oils and tend to damage your skin's protective barriers. Worse, they can exacerbate acne and pimples in the long run.

You need plant-based products that nourish the skin and work with it instead of against it to help you in getting rid of pimples. Plus, if you already avoid salicylic acid, your products may not contain any antibacterial ingredients which are crucial for fighting acne.

An Improper Skincare Routine

Your face is very sensitive. The wrong skincare routine could very well be causing your problems.

  • Not exfoliating enough: Sebum, dead skin cells, and debris builds up on the skin's surface.
  • Exfoliating too much: You're damaging your skin's protective layer and making way for pimples.
  • Not moisturising enough: Skin needs to stay hydrated for fending off bacteria and acne.
  • Not using toner: Cleanser remnants build up on the skin's surface.
  • Sleeping with makeup on: It can't be stressed enough how bad this is for your skin.

Underlying Health Problems

In addition to thyroid problems, other medical conditions like diabetes, candida, polycystic ovary syndrome, and digestive issues can also lead to acne development.

Stressed-Out Liver or Kidneys

Your liver and kidneys filter toxins and cleanse the body. Stressed-out liver or kidneys from alcohol, refined sugars, high-cholesterol foods, salt, and other toxins can cause acne.

Chronic Dehydration

The body needs water to filter out toxins and your skin needs water to stay healthy. Unfortunately, many people in developed countries aren't getting enough water.

How to Heal Pimples and Cure Your Acne Without Harsh or Invasive Methods

You can't understand how to heal pimples without identifying the root causes. After you've gone through that list above, use the natural substances below in your daily routine to nourish and cleanse your skin.

  1. Mānuka Oil: Contains 20 to 30 times the antibacterial, properties of tea tree oil.
  2. Lavender Oil: Know to have anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties.
  3. Jojoba Oil: A natural cleanser that penetrates deep within pores and hair follicles.
  4. Frankincense: A natural astringent that also lifts and tightens skin.
  5. Sunflower Oil: Contains potent antioxidants and moisturises the skin without oiliness.
  6. Lemon Oil: Gently exfoliates, fights bacteria, and lightens red spots.

Take control of your skin and try ManukaRx Blemish Oil with ManukaRx Foaming Face Wash today for an effective natural acne-fighting combo!

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